The Stream



 The delivery process is in three stages.




During this stage we provide the client/the Design Team, enough Engineering information to properly assess the relevance of the project; in terms of original scope, benefits and financing. We conduct studies, surveys, geological investigations and consultations   with local residents and local authorities. The data gathered at this stage, though preliminary are enough, within the scope of the project definition, to present a definite envelope of the scheme. We employ extensive computer analysis in the assimilation and processing -sing of these input data; and the output, form the basis of the conclusions, which are presented, in the forms of reports, specifications, sketches and drawing.




Civil Sphere Konsult during this phase, when the Client has decided to proceed with the project, will produce all detailed Engineering Documents,

Specifications, Bills and Cost Estimation to enable the project to be executed on site.

Extensive soil investigation work, full testing of selected   Engineering materials, will be carried out at this stage to ensure they fit the job specification. Detailed designs for all sections of the works and specifications will be produced for the realization of the projects. In some Engineering works in which pre selection of the Contractor is required, we integrate the expertise of the Contractor in special production and construction techniques into the production of the documents geared at optimum value for the Client. It is at this level that the entire resources of our State of the Arts Engineering Analysis and Design Software are put to maximum benefit, to produce fast accurate and cost effective solutions for the project.



Civil Sphere Konsult will determine the appropriate level of supervision of the works and advice the Client accordingly.

The requirements of the supervision regime will be determined by the location of the site, the nature of the works to be carried out and the level of Engineering expertise of the contractor. The supervision may be one of these types:

   Resident Supervision

  Daily Site Supervision         

     Scheduled Site Supervision

  • During this period of  Construction, we make sure that, all the design intentions are achieved on site.
  • Foundation design assumptions and  results are confirmed or revised to suit on site conditions.
  • Overall programme of works, suit logistics for material delivery and work cycles.
  •  The commencement of each stage of work is approved and seen through till completion, when another approval is given.
  • Perform periodic tests on materials and works carried out to confirm quality, and compliance.
  • Prepare and revise the contract documents to reflect actual works on site.
  • Prepare and advice the Client on  Certificates for payment to the Contractor.
  • Give proof positive assurance to the, Client on his/her investment.